Does Stretching Really Increase Flexibility? Find Out Here With These 7 Stretches

You might associate flexibility with hitting a full split or tossing your leg behind your head. But, by textbook definition, flexible simply refers to the ability to flex or bend, often repeatedly. While crazy stretches may serve as strong goals for the ‘gram, it's important to aim for mobility, too. Flexibility is someone’s ability to passively move through a range of motion.

Can I Achieve A Rockin’ Set Of Abs In As Little As Four Weeks? Yes, These 6 Moves Target Abs!

Six-pack abs are not a “man thing” anymore. Neither are they restricted to athletes, dancers, and celebs. You too can get sculpted abs. But, getting a six-pack can be challenging if you are not sure about the diet and workout you need to follow. To make it easier for you, this article provides the best tips on how women can

What Piece Of Equipment Builds The Best Set Of Abs? Follow This Workout To Find Out!

Although stability-ball exercises appear to activate about as much deep abdominal muscle as similar movements on the floor without a ball, they can add value to a training session when you’re looking for variety and whole-body integration while working the core. Keep in mind that to work the entire midsection, it’s important to challenge the torso from various directions. That

Is It Possible To Achieve A Killer Set Of Abs At Home? 9 Moves And You’ll Be Seeing Results In No Time

A super busy lifestyle means that you can't always make it to the gym — but at-home workouts don't always have to be a drag. We love the explosion of easy exercises you can do at home. You can work out your core and build a good set of abs in the process by working out in your bedroom, living

Are You Ready For An Advanced Technique To Blast Fat? Try This Workout For Results

If transforming your body into a calorie-burning furnace is your goal, then you need to be sure your workouts invite as many muscle fibers to the party as possible. That’s why an advanced high-intensity technique known as compensatory acceleration training, or “CAT” for short is great! Because of its greater intensity, you’ll burn more calories during – and long after

Are Resistance Bands Effective For Building Muscle? They Are! 14 Full Body Moves Right Here

At the height of lockdown, when gyms were shut, many of us discovered the power of the resistance band. These humble strips of rubber don't get much play when you've got a full set of weights and machines to get stuck into, but it turns out they can actually provide a beneficial workout, from the comfort of your own home.

Do You Love Muffins But Not The Tummy After? Use These 8 Moves To Melt Away That Muffin Top

A muffin top might be tasty to eat, but if that extra credit around your midsection is making you uncomfortable, you're in the right place. You can whittle those waists with some carefully executed exercises to target those obliques and have you loving your clothes once again. We love those yummy muffins like crazy, but reality hits home the moment

Can I Burn Fat In 30 Minutes? With These 12 Moves You’ll Be Slim In Next To No Time

Whatever fitness goal you're hoping to tackle this year to reach your own personal best, it's likely you're also looking to improve your strength, endurance, and burn fat in the process. But 30 minutes and only 12 exercises? That's right! This exclusive circuit routine, which when performed at least three times per week, can be used on its own to