Ever done a push-up and felt your hips hit the floor and your arms barely bend? We’ve been there. A push-up is a total-body functional movement that’s great for increasing strength. It has the added benefit of engaging your core and lower body.

Since it’s a bodyweight exercise, it can be done just about anywhere — with a ton of variations to liven things up.  The pushup can also create even more challenge once you start introducing a handful of variations, and those variations can easily become the backbone of a vicious chest workout.

By varying the angle of your torso relative to your upper arms, or shifting the focus of the pushup to focus on negative contractions, pauses, or holds, you shift the way the move stimulates your chest. So whether you’ve been unsuccessful in the past or just want to fine-tune your form, here are the details you’ll need to master for a perfect push-up.

How To Do A Push-Up:


How to:

  • To get into a plank, place hands firmly on the floor, directly under shoulders. Ground toes into the floor to stabilize your lower half.
  • Brace core (tighten abs as if preparing to take a punch), engage glutes and hamstrings and flatten your back so your entire body is neutral and straight.
  • Keep back flat and your eyes focused about 3 feet in front of you.
  • Maintain a neutral neck and lower your body until the chest grazes the floor.
  • Don’t let your butt dip or stick out at any point during the move — your body should stay in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Draw shoulder blades back and down, keeping elbows tucked close to your body (don’t “T” your arms).
  • Keeping core engaged, exhale as you push back to starting position.
  • Pro tip: Imagine you’re screwing your hands into the floor as you push back up.
  • Repeat for 10–20 reps or as many as you can do with good form.

Related article: What Is The Best Push Up Variation? The 17 Right Here That Increases Overall Body Strength

Mistake 1: Letting Your Back Sag Or Arch:

Letting Your Back Sag Or Arch

How to fix:

  • Sure, push-ups are known for strengthening your pecs, shoulders, and triceps, but they’re actually a total-body move.
  • You’ll want to engage your lower body.
  • Focus on tightening your glutes and legs to keep your lower back from arching or sagging during the move.
  • And instead of letting your hips flop to the floor, press your chest to the floor first, keeping hips in the same plane as shoulders.

Related article: Master The 7 Variations Of The Push-Up For A Bigger Chest

Mistake 2: Flaring Your Arms:

Flaring Your Arms

How to fix:

  • Letting those arms pop out to 90 degrees can be really tough on your shoulders.
  • Instead of forming a T with your arms and body.
  • Keep your elbows tucked closer, at a 20- to 40-degree angle to your torso.

Related article: Build Bigger Pecs, Delts & Triceps With These 6 Unique Variations of a Push-Up

Mistake 3: Dipping Your Head To The Floor:

Dipping Your Head To The Floor

How to fix:

  • If you’ve ever had neck pain while doing a push-up, chances are you’re not holding your neck in a neutral position.
  • If you don’t have the strength to lower your chest to the floor yet, it’s common to strain your neck so your forehead lowers first.
  • You can fix this by picking a point on the floor a few feet in front of you to stare at.
  • If you still feel yourself twisting your neck into a strange angle, bring your knees down to the floor until your form improves.

Related article: 24 Essential Push-Up Variations for Total-Body Strength And Intensive Gains

Mistake 4: Not Stacking Your Wrists:

Not Stacking Your Wrists

How to fix:

  • It might feel easier (at first) to shift your weight back during a push-up.
  • But not stacking your wrists directly under your shoulders compromises your form and takes the work out of your chest.
  • To fix this, shift your body forward slightly so your shoulders sit directly on top of your wrists before performing the first step.