Even if you are new, you would have known about this extremely common exercise performed by bodybuilders and average trainers. However, the world ‘deadlift’ can seem extremely daunting. Why not stop and find a different approach.

You’ll have heard of this extremely common exercise used by bodybuilders and average gym-goers alike. However, if you are a weight-lifting newbie, just the world ‘deadlift’ can seem like an extremely daunting prospect.

Put these variations into your training plan and feel stronger, faster, more powerful but most of all muscle gains. It’s up to you to decide which deadlift is your type and most suited to your goals, strengths and weaknesses.

Sumo Deadlift:

The sumo deadlift will place emphasis on the quads and provides a range of motion which allows you to lift heavier.

Sumo Deadlift

How to:

  • Begin with a bar loaded on the ground.
  • The feet should be set very wide, near the collars. Bend at the hips to grip the bar.
  • The arms should be directly below the shoulders, inside the legs, and you can use a pronated grip, a mixed grip, or hook grip.
  • Lower your hips, looking forward with your head and your chest up.
  • Drive through the floor, spreading your feet apart, with your weight on the back half of your feet.
  • Extend through the hips and knees.
  • As the bar passes through the knees, lean back and drive the hips into the bar, pulling your shoulder blades together.
  • Return the weight to the ground by bending at the hips and controlling the weight on the way down.

Related article: What Is The Best Workout For Calves? This One, Complete With 5 Calf Popping Exercises

2. Hex or Trap Bar Deadlifts:

By using the hex bar you can change the mechanics behind the deadlift and lift evenly distributing your weight.


How to:

  • For this exercise load a trap bar, also known as a hex bar, to an appropriate weight resting on the ground.
  • Stand in the center of the apparatus and grasp both handles.
  • Lower your hips, look forward with your head and keep your chest up.
  • Begin the movement by driving through the heels and extend your hips and knees.
  • At the completion of the movement, lower the weight back to the ground under control.

Related article: Total Body Workout Plan Using Only A Barbell – 15 The Best Barbell Exercises

3. Snatch Grip Deadlift:

The snatch deadlift mainly works the hamstrings. In the snatch grip deadlift your hands take on a wider grip.


How to:

  • The snatch deadlift strengthens the first pull of the snatch.
  • Begin with a wide snatch grip with the barbell placed on the platform.
  • The feet should be directly under the hips, with the feet turned out.
  • Squat down to the bar, keeping the back in absolute extension with the head facing forward.
  • Initiate the movement by driving through the heels, raising the hips.
  • Drive your hips through the bar as you lay back.
  • Return the bar to the platform by reversing the motion.

Related article: The Push-Pull Workout For A Full Body Fat Burning Workout

4. Romanian Deadlift, Stiff Legged Deadlift, Straight Leg Deadlift:

The Romanian deadlift- sometimes called the straight legged deadlift focuses on using the hamstrings.



How to:

  • Hold a bar at hip level with a pronated (palms facing down) grip.
  • Your shoulders should be back, your back arched, and your knees slightly bent.
  • Lower the bar by moving your butt back as far as you can.
  • Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back.
  • At the bottom of your range of motion, return the starting position by driving the hips forward to stand up tall.

Related article: Pull More Weight And Strengthen Your Back With These 6 Valuable Deadlift-Coaching Cues

5. Deficit Deadlift / Rack Pulls:

The deficit deadlift can use a conventional and snatch grip width.

Deficit Deadlift Rack Pulls

How to:

  • Set up in a power rack with the bar on the pins. The pins should be set just below the knees, just above, or in the mid thigh position.
  • Position yourself against the bar in proper deadlifting position.
  • Your feet should be under your hips, your grip shoulder width, back arched, and hips back to engage the hamstrings.
  • Since the weight is typically heavy, you may use a mixed grip, a hook grip, or use straps to aid in holding the weight.
  • With your head looking forward, extend through the hips and knees, pulling the weight up and back until lockout.
  • Return the weight to the pins and repeat.

Related article: How To Master The Deadlift For Full Body Muscle Strength And Gains

6. Conventional Deadlift:

Conventional deadlifts target and work the lower back, calves, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, lats, middle back, quads and traps.

Conventional Deadlift

How to:

  • Approach the bar so that it is centred over your feet. Your feet should be about hip-width apart.
  • Bend at the hip to grip the bar at shoulder-width allowing your shoulder blades to protract.
  • With your feet and your grip set, take a big breath and then lower your hips and flex the knees until your shins contact the bar. Look forward with your head.
  • Keep your chest up and your back arched, and begin driving through the heels to move the weight upward.
  • After the bar passes the knees aggressively pull the bar back, pulling your shoulder blades together as you drive your hips forward into the bar.
  • Lower the bar by bending at the hips and guiding it to the floor.