You’ve heard “take the stairs, not the elevator,” a thousand times. But what if instead of it just being a healthier way to get around, the stairs became your new favorite toning tool? This workout is going to take you up and down a set of stairs while adding sculpting moves in between.
Since moving up a flight of stairs forces you to work harder against gravity, you’ll build strength and power in your lower body while your heart rate soars. The mini cardio intervals will help you burn calories at a higher rate for longer after you finish, and the quick toning moves will fire up up your arms, back, butt, and thighs.
In the end, you’ll be sweaty, stronger, and thanking the stairs for a free but fierce workout! Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Perform as many reps as possible with good form. It doesn’t matter how big your flight of stairs is; just go for time. After the first time through, rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat the entire circuit once more, and you’ll have yourself a 10-minute strength and cardio workout in one. Remember to use the handrail if needed and watch your feet, so you don’t trip.
Cardio: Stair Run:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Start facing the bottom of the stairs.
- Run up quickly using each step.
- Pump your arms next to your sides as you move quickly.
- Walk down the stairs carefully.
- Repeat.
Related article: Which Training Is Best For My Body Type? Cardio? Strength? It’s All Here
Strength: Walking Lunge:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Start facing the bottom of the stairs.
- Step your right foot onto the next step and bend both knees as you lower into a lunge, keeping your front knee tracking over your shoe.
- Push off with your right foot and use your arms to help you propel your left foot onto the next step and lower into another lunge.
- Continue alternating legs until you reach the top of the stairs.
- Walk or jog down as usual.
- Repeat.
Related article: The 2 Part 6 Exercise Ultimate Body-Weight HIIT Cardio Workout- Take Your Body To The Next Level
Cardio: Sideways Stair Run:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Start at the bottom of the stairs with your right side of the body closest to the stairs.
- Leading with your right foot, run up the stairs sideways.
- (Pretend your feet are chasing each other. The right foot goes first but as the left foot starts to approach the first step, the right foot should already be lifting to move up to the second step.)
- When you get to the top, walk down the stairs normally.
- Repeat.
Related article: A Heart-Pumping HIIT Plan for All Fitness Goers Who Are Ready To Take On The Staircase Workout
Strength: Push-Ups:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Place hands on the first or second step with legs extended behind you on the ground so you’re in plank position.
- (The higher the step your hands are on, the easier the push-up will be.)
- Make sure your hands are shoulder-width apart.
- Bend elbows and slowly lower your chest down to the step.
- Exhale as you press your chest back up to starting position, keeping your core tight throughout.
- Repeat.
Related article: How Can I Create The Best Upper Body Shape Without Using Weights? 8 Variations Of Push Up, That’s How!
Cardio: Repeat Stair Run:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Start facing the bottom of the stairs.
- Run up quickly using each step.
- Pump your arms next to your sides as you move quickly.
- Walk down the stairs carefully.
- Repeat.
Related article: The Yoga Workout Flow That Doubles As Cardio Session To Tone And Lose Fat
Strength: Squat Jumps:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Begin at the bottom of a staircase with feet hip-width apart and arms next to sides.
- Lower hips down to a squat position, tighten abs, then swing arms forward and jump up onto the next step, with both feet landing together.
- If the steps are too close together, skip one.
- Land in a squat position.
- Swing arms behind you, then swing arms forward and jump to the next step.
- Repeat to the top of the staircase.
- Walk down.
Related article: Hate Squats? Want To Shape Your Butt? Great! Here’s 5 Moves That Seriously Combats Flat Butt
Cardio: Repeat Sideways Stair Run:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Start at the bottom of the stairs with your right side of the body closest to the stairs.
- Leading with your right foot, run up the stairs sideways.
- (Pretend your feet are chasing each other. The right foot goes first but as the left foot starts to approach the first step, the right foot should already be lifting to move up to the second step.)
- When you get to the top, walk down the stairs normally.
- Repeat.
Related article: Can A Couch Workout Really Get You In Shape? Amazingly, Yes! Let’s Tone Our Whole Body Now!
Strength: Triceps Dips:
Time: 30 seconds
How to:
- Sit on the floor facing away from the staircase with back against the first step.
- Place hands behind you, shoulder-width apart, onto the first step.
- Lift hips up so arms are straight, keeping shoulders down and away from ears.
- Tighten abdominal muscles.
- Bend elbows keeping them right next to the body and lower hips almost to the ground, then press back up, squeezing triceps and straightening arms.
- Repeat.