5 Yoga Exercises To Strengthen Impingement Shoulder & Rotator Cuff

Shoulder impingement happens when lifting your arm overhead causes your shoulder blades to rub against the muscles of your rotary cuff. These four muscles — the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis — control the ability to rotate your arms and lift them overhead. Shoulder impingement is generally caused by repetitive use of your arms overhead in activities such as

Are Your Hip Flexors Tight? Use These 9 Exercises For A Warm-Up Or Complete Workout

When it comes to longevity in the weight room and on the field, not getting hurt is key. And while it's mostly anecdotal evidence, the athletes and clients of mine who perform dedicated stretches – especially the hip flexor stretch – prior to training and competition tend to not get hurt. Sure, we know that stretching is important to give

8 Powerful And Effective Yoga Poses For Perfectly Shaped Arms In 1 Workout

Use this powerful and effective yoga poses for your arm workouts. These 8 poses will sculpt, define, tone, and strengthen your entire upper body and core. We developed a quick yoga sequence that targets the upper body. This effective flow will fine-tune your alignment while strengthen and toning your arms, shoulders and back. You’ll also engage the muscles of your