The 6 Exercise Weighted Yoga Workout That Tones, Sculpts And Creates Flexibility

Yoga is great, but after a while it's just not much of a workout. If you’re dedicated to a consistent practice, you already know that yoga is actually an amazing way to get your entire body moving, challenging your physical and mental stamina, agility and strength. That said, yoga isn’t exactly the rigorous, high-intensity workout that many people crave. But,

5 Stretches In 5 Minutes – Prime Your Muscles For A Safer, More Efficient Walk Or Run

No one wants to extend their workout longer than they have to, skipping a post-walk stretch session is a bad idea. Absolutely, stretch after your walks. Although it’s debatable whether stretching keeps soreness at bay or prevents injuries, it does still serve an important purpose. Your muscles are warmer at the end of a walk so it’s easier to increase

Pumped Up Pilates Exercises Takes The Abs-Tightening Technique And Transforms It Into A Total-Body Lean Routine

Sleek, strong, sexy. That’s the trademark Pilates body. But do this next-level workout and you can add chiselled, fit, and fierce to the list. And you won’t need a fancy machine or quirky tone-up tool to get there. We have created a bolder technique that gets deeper into your muscles and leads to even more results. You'll shake, burn, and

7 Easy Comfortable Stretches To Relieve And Loosen Shoulder Tension And Aches

Stiff, tight shoulders are one of the most common complaints among all people today—especially anyone who spends extended amounts of time slumped at a desk or sitting behind a steering wheel. This position causes our upper back to round forward, our chest to tighten, and our shoulders to lift and compress, all leading to very poor posture and eventual shoulder

Here’s A Yoga Workout Just For Men To Re-Energise, Build Strength And Increase Endurance

If you think yoga is just for women, you are wrong! You're already doing it! Those planks you add to every core session? Yoga. That stretch before your pickup game? Yoga. The deep breaths you take to centre yourself when you're stressed? Yoga. Yoga can be extremely beneficial for everyone — but especially for men. How? Men often suffer from tightness

If You Want Strong Defined Abs, Practice These 10 Yoga Poses And See The Difference

Having a strong core is a beautiful thing. A strong core helps you maintain support and control of our body in all of your daily activities, from picking up the kids to hitting the gym. These yoga poses for abs will improve core strength, help reduce strain on the spine, and prevent injuries by improving posture and balance. So, even

Is Stretching After A Lower Body Workout Beneficial? See For Yourself With These Fantastic 10 Exercises

For many people, stretching is just one that you try to skimp on whenever you can. You know you're supposed to do it, but still, somehow it's the thing you always "forget" to do and decide you'll get to later (and then never do). All it takes, though, is a couple of minutes of stretching to reap the long-term benefits of increased mobility