The Push-Pull Workout For A Full Body Fat Burning Workout

Even out your pushes and pulls with this fat-burning, muscle-building, full-body workout. When you train, it’s tempting to do only your favourite strength exercises. But favouring only a few isolated, similar movements and neglecting opposing and complementary ones can create muscular imbalances. Push exercises work the muscles you use to move weight away from your body, specifically the pectorals, triceps,

10 The Most Alkaline Foods That Help Balance Body pH

The alkaline base-forming minerals are associated with a significant and rapid increase in blood and urinary pH and a long-term increase in urinary pH after 1 week of supplementation. The ingestion of alkaline mineral-rich fruits and vegetables can help offset the acidogenic nutrients that dominate prevailing diets and thereby regulate an optimum and stable acid-base balance. Conversely, continued reliance on

How To Lose a Muffin Top & Belly Fat Fast With This 6 Exercise Workout

Could this be the recipe for deflating the muffin top?  It's important to note that the exercises you choose and the effort you put into them really matter. Instead of treadmill-trotting and sit-ups, I recommend high-intensity workouts. If winter weather has turned your six-pack into a muffin top, now's the time to start shedding that bulge for spring. This workout