What Is The Best Push Up Variation? The 17 Right Here That Increases Overall Body Strength

Doing the same old push-ups day in and day out can feel a little boring, so we’re here to shake things up. Variety can supercharge a workout and throw a whole range of new muscles into the mix. Just be sure to spend some time perfecting your form and nailing the basics before you jump into the variations that require increased strength, coordination, and

9 Things To Help You Start Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding, seems fairly simple, pick up some weights and you end up with the perfect body! This isn't actually a true statement as it requires much more. With this article I am going to break down 9 important key factors needed, to safely achieve and gain that ever wanted body. 1. Train In All Rep Ranges Everyone develops a preference

8 Ways To Build And Sculpt Rear Delts

With all the attention paid to building up your pecs, your front delts are probably quite formed too. Plus to further the illusion of a small waist, you are probably doing all kinds of middle-delt moves. Your rear delts, the ones you can't see in the mirror, are so underdeveloped that you'd a need a microscope to spot them, this is what

Most Common Leg Training Mistakes And How To Correct Them For Optimal Strength And Mass

Unfortunately, most people never maximise their quads, because they are short cutting their leg workouts. False: Focus more on your quads and less on your glutes during Smith machine or hack squats, move your feet further forward. In fact, the opposite is true. Many believe that a wide stance will work outer quads and a narrow stance hits more of

Bench Press Programme For Ultimate Strength and Size Gains

If you’re still doing straight sets for 5×5, don’t be surprised when your bench press stops going up. That’s not to knock five-sets, they’re great and safe. They’ll get you benching more than your bodyweight. They probably won’t get you to 1.5 times your bodyweight and they definitely won’t get you to 2 times.  If you want a better bench press, you need a better