The Most Common Injuries For Lifters And How You Can Help Prevent Them

Ironically lifting isn't dangerous, but if your form and technique isn't correct it can be. But also not compared to other types of athletic endeavours. Resistance training is safe. Making lifting unsafe are mistakes caused by lack of knowledge with technique, form and even pumping ego instead of muscles. Here we  figure out what lifting entails so we can be sure to keep lifting safe when using

12 Meal Prep Ideas To Free Up Your Time

When it comes to healthy eating, preparation is the key to success. In fact, spending time on preparing and cooking meals at home is linked with better dietary habits. But if you love the convenience of prepackaged foods and restaurant meals, it might be hard to go cold turkey on your take-out routine. Luckily, planning and preparing your meals ahead of time

40 Tips to Help You Get Leaner

If you want to lose fat and get your body as lean as possible, you can do so if you really try. This won’t be easy, but in the end you’ll profit a lot and it would have been totally worth it. All you have to do is train as hard as possible, eat smart and always be aware that

Post Activation Potentiation Training Method To Build Your Body And Super Size Your Strength

Post-activation potentiation refers to a short-term improvement in performance (e.g. jumping) as a result of using a conditioning exercise (e.g. back squats). Many conditioning exercises, for example back squats, deadlifts, plyometrics and isometric contractions have all been shown to improve subsequent performances. This performance improvement is due the muscles being placed into a ‘potentiated’, or ‘activated’ state. At present, there