What Moves Burns The Most Belly Fat & Love Handles? 6 Moves In This Workout Do!

Why are love handles so hard to lose? Endless crunching and full-body planks alone won’t target that belly fat that sits on your side waist. To lose those love handles, you need to shed fat—and to whittle your waist, you’ll want to follow a strong nutrition plan. As you burn off that fat, you’ll also want to incorporate twisting exercises that will carve your body into a sexy

What Exercises Build Your Traps? Only The Most Effective Ones Listed Here!

Your biceps and triceps might be popping, but big arms are nothing without some bulging traps muscles to support your upper muscles. Your traps are muscles that add an instant air of dominance, power, and masculinity to your physique. And when it comes to building them, there are three key factors you need to implement. Building mass and strength in your

Do Squats Really Give You a Bigger Bum? Yes & These 8 Variations Will Make It Fun To Grow

You know what the fastest way to a tighter, stronger, curvier, perkier butt is? Squats! It's an effective lower-body exercise that works a bunch of muscles at once, including the glutes, quads, and core. You don't need any equipment to do a squat in its most basic form—your weight and gravity give you all the resistance you need. You can

Can You Lose Weight Doing Legs Bums And Tums? Training All 3 At The Same Time Will Slim & Tone Your Body

The lower body is home to some of the biggest muscles in your body so working these not only gives you the shape you’re looking for but also, with muscle being a tissue that burns calories, gives you a bit of a boost in the fat burning department. And a little extra work on the tum can’t be a bad

Can You Get A Six Pack Without Crunches? This Workout Will Strengthen And Tone Your Core Crunch-free

Focusing on the activation of your core is the key to success with these moves. Women and men are constantly searching for exercises that will help eliminate a loose or puffy lower-ab area. No amount of lower-abs workouts will magically make your abs pop or offer the ultimate solution for how to get rid of belly flab. In fact, people

How Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite In My Butt? With These 5 Moves That Fight Fat

Reducing cellulite is a common aim for people starting out on a fitness journey. The dimpling often found on the thighs and buttocks is often associated with being unfit, but is this a fair assumption? And can your exercise regime make a difference to your body’s cellulite? A lot of workouts are marketed as fat-blasting and cellulite-shrinking. Most women have to

How Do You Get A Chiseled 6 Pack? With 6 Strategical Exercises Such As These Listed

When it comes to sculpting those abs of your dreams, it’s not as simple as doing endless crunches. Developing a six-pack requires more than just working the ‘pretty’ muscles that you can see. The deeper, transverse core muscles must be strengthened first to create a strong, solid base—without that, only doing crunches can actually make your belly stick out more.

What Is The Most Rewarding Workout For Targeting Abs? 5 Moves At Home Will Achieve This!

Just because you aren’t showing off your abs, doesn’t mean that their existence isn’t on your mind. Fortunately, a few changes to your routine can make all the difference.  The unique benefit of this routine is that you can do it when you’re short on time. The circuit format will also help keep your heart rate up to burn more

How Can I Make The Deadlift More Enjoyable? By Trying One Of These Deadlift Variations To Ramp Up Your Workout

Even if you are new, you would have known about this extremely common exercise performed by bodybuilders and average trainers. However, the world ‘deadlift’ can seem extremely daunting. Why not stop and find a different approach. You’ll have heard of this extremely common exercise used by bodybuilders and average gym-goers alike. However, if you are a weight-lifting newbie, just the

How Do I Achieve Gravity Defying Glutes? Effort, Dedication & This 6 Move Workout!

Butts are not all about aesthetics—building stronger butt muscles will not only improve your speed and explosiveness but will also protect your lower back and knees from injury. Plus, any good butt workout, which can and should include some of these best butt exercises, will target the biggest muscle in your body—the glute max! Still, you want to be sure