Learn How You Can Burn Fat & Lose Belly Fat With These Exercises

To show off your abs, you have to burn fat. To burn fat, you have to stoke your metabolism by building muscle. These straightforward moves work major muscle groups--with an emphasis on your midsection--without adding bulk. When you exercise your abdominal muscles, you're not doing it to have rock-hard abs hidden under a layer of fat. Some muscle-strengthening exercises are just

Here’s A Super-Efficient Way To Train Your Abs & Butt In 10 Minutes

Your glutes and abs muscles might not seem like they work together, but doing a combo butt and abs workout can be a strategic way to work your muscles efficiently and safely. The body works together, all the muscles as a team. Having strong glutes will help to strengthen your entire posterior chain (the muscles along the back of your body), including your low back,

Expand Your Back-Training Repertoire With These 6 Challenging Pull-up Variations

It may look simple, but you're using your own strength to pull your body up and the pull-up engages all major muscle groups. It strengthens your arms and shoulders, back muscles, overall body strength and has significant benefits on your mental health too, as you pull your body into position. If you rotate between only overhand, underhand, and neutral-grip pull-ups,

Give The Six-Pack a Rest & Sculpt a V-Shape Using Your Back And Chest Instead

If you’re looking to add mass quickly, multi-angular tri-sets are a great way to build muscle. Focusing on your back, shoulders, chest and arms will add the necessary width for that desirable V-shaped torso, so you’ll be ready to impress at your next formal occasion. An abs regime is all very well, but if it’s the perfect V-shaped torso to

Sculpt Yourself A Solid Six-Pack With These Circuits For Upper, Lower Abs And Obliques

Whether your goal is a six-pack or just a little more definition around your midsection, compound lifts like squats, overhead presses and deadlifts will help get you there, and they’ll build strength all over your body at the same time. That said, there’s also room for more focused abs work too, especially if you have designs on achieving a cover model-style six-pack. The four-move circuits below provide