How To Do Mountain Climber: Calisthenic Exercise

Mountain climbers are calisthenic exercises that challenge your balance, agility, proprioception and coordination. They benefit muscular and cardiovascular fitness by increasing strength, flexibility and blood circulation. This exercise requires you to engage your upper arms muscles, as well as your core and your legs. Practice the proper alignment of mountain climbers to get the most out of your workout. Anatomy

6 Beneficial Beginner Core Exercises To Start Your Journey To A Flat Sculpted Core

Whether you’re getting back into fitness or you’re just starting training, developing a solid core will increase your stability and balance. You’ll be able to perform more advanced moves with confidence as you regain your strength and it will help build and stabilise more advanced exercises. Maybe you aren’t in shape to get down and perform 50 crunches, but you’re not ignoring your core either.

Create Your Own Abs Workout Plan

You don't need a complete overhaul to make your six packs show. Targeting the entire core from a variety of angles and removing less effective moves like crunches. I have exercises below to develop the ultimate abs. Switching things up, keeping things interesting and avoiding the training rut. You get to choose the exercises! Select an exercise from each group to enjoy a

Full Body Stretching Exercises – 34 Best Stretching Exercises in 10-Minute Flexibility Routine

Your lifestyle regardless of what you choose, you have probably heard how important it is to stretch. This is extremely truthful as stretching increases the blood flow in your muscles and helps your joints to exploit their full range of motion. It also improves your posture and enhances your athletic performance making sure you reduce risk of pain and injury. Knowing the importance of stretching is not sufficient when practising yoga or