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So far Zoe has created 832 blog entries.

Master The Toes-to-Bar With These Progressions For An AB-solutly Elevated Abs Workout

Elevate your abs sessions way above the plankers with the fiendish toes-to-bar move. Learn these four progressions and you’ll raise the standard of your core workouts for good. This is on the trickier end of bodyweight moves, so training and strengthening each position of the rep will clean up your form when they’re put together. They can also serve as warm-ups once you’ve mastered

Are You A Beginner Or Just Want To Improve Your Workout? Incorporate These 10 Tips For An Optimal Workout

Opting for strength training is a great decision for everyone, irrespective of their age or weight. It does a lot of good for your present as well as future health. However, it’s important to note that thousands of people get injured due to strength training every year as they make one common mistake or the other. Even when you have

Use This Healthy Grocery List For Good Health and Top Performance

Every day, we eat vitamins and minerals that are useful to keep our bodies running at full capacity. Well selected, these foods allow you to have more energy, boost your performance, improve your concentration and accelerate muscle recovery. It is therefore important to closely monitor what is happening on the plate. Most supermarkets stock more than 30,000 items, yet every

Is Stretching After A Lower Body Workout Beneficial? See For Yourself With These Fantastic 10 Exercises

For many people, stretching is just one that you try to skimp on whenever you can. You know you're supposed to do it, but still, somehow it's the thing you always "forget" to do and decide you'll get to later (and then never do). All it takes, though, is a couple of minutes of stretching to reap the long-term benefits of increased mobility

Want To Build Size, Strength Or Endurance? Then You Need To Know How Many Reps To Lift!

Training hard is easy, but training smart gets you closer to your goals. For example, let's say you want to build muscle. You can choose a light weight and rep it 50-60 times, or grab a heavier weight and push it maybe 10 times. Both examples are hard, but one method is superior for building muscle. Effort is important, but

Fill Your Shirt With This Intense 6 Move Tricep Workout

The triceps actually make up the bulk of your upper arm.  Triceps are the big, primary movers for upper-body 'push' motion, meaning extension of the arms. The most common mistake beginners make is ignoring their triceps. The second most common mistake? Overworking your triceps—that is, not recognising the work triceps do while you’re bench pressing. Do this beginner-focused triceps workout

10 Foods That Contains Highest Amount Of Protein To Add To Your Muscle Gaining Diet

Protein is an extremely vital nutrient in the body; in fact, it is one of the most important components of every cell in the body. Described as a “macronutrient,” protein, along with carbohydrates and fats, is needed in large amounts by the body. Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are only needed in small amounts.  Protein, unlike carbohydrates and fats,