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So far Zoe has created 832 blog entries.

What Is The Best Workout For Calves? This One, Complete With 5 Calf Popping Exercises

Calves seem to be the most overlooked body part in the lower body. Did you know it’s vital that your calves support you through every movement or you risk serious injury? You can't even rely on upper leg exercises like squats and deadlifts to completely develop diamond calves. Likewise, it does little good to train the rest of your body but leave

Can A Flabby Back And Armpits Be Toned At The Same Time? These 9 Fat Blasting Moves Prove You Can

There's nothing more frustrating than that putting on your workout top or a tight dress only to notice bra fat poking out. So, we have the absolute best exercises to hone in on that perplexing armpit and back area, which seems impossible to tone no matter how many arm exercises we try. These exercises will tone and lengthen the back

Are You Ready For An Advanced Technique To Blast Fat? Try This Workout For Results

If transforming your body into a calorie-burning furnace is your goal, then you need to be sure your workouts invite as many muscle fibers to the party as possible. That’s why an advanced high-intensity technique known as compensatory acceleration training, or “CAT” for short is great! Because of its greater intensity, you’ll burn more calories during – and long after

Are Resistance Bands Effective For Building Muscle? They Are! 14 Full Body Moves Right Here

At the height of lockdown, when gyms were shut, many of us discovered the power of the resistance band. These humble strips of rubber don't get much play when you've got a full set of weights and machines to get stuck into, but it turns out they can actually provide a beneficial workout, from the comfort of your own home.

Hate Squats? Want To Shape Your Butt? Great! Here’s 5 Moves That Seriously Combats Flat Butt

When you think of Pilates workouts, it’s all about the core — from your lower abs to the transverse abdominis to your obliques. But what you may not realize is that your core also includes your hips and glutes. Even better, the different ranges of motion and subtle postural changes in Pilates workouts help engage all muscle groups without adding

Why Can’t I Tone My Inner Thighs Without Weights? You Can With This 8 Move Lower Body Workout

The ideal inner-thigh workout, one that blasts fat while building muscle  is hard to come by. Luckily for you, we have the ideal workout that can be done at home or the gym right here for you! You’ll start seeing toned thighs in no time. Show your inner thighs some love, and some serious burn with these exercises that will