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So far Zoe has created 832 blog entries.

Already Doing Regular Cardio? Excellent. Here’s How To Add In Strength Training To Take Your Fitness To The Next Level

This metabolism-revving mini-routine,makes it as easy as possible to finally fit in resistance work. Each day of our plan zeros in on a different zone to ensure you hit every inch at least twice a week. You'll get stronger and slimmer and increase your lean mass, which will help ward off diabetes and heart disease. You may see cardio and

How Can I Blast Ab Legs And Arm Fat In 1 Workout? By Using Just A Dumbbell, That’s How!

As much as we like to squish, flick, complain about, and pull on our flab, it’s fair to say we would be better off without it.  But like any relationship, flab needs attention and losing it is all about adjusting your lifestyle. Some types of fat are hard to get rid of because there isn’t much muscle there.  Flab is

How Do I Achieve Gravity Defying Glutes? Effort, Dedication & This 6 Move Workout!

Butts are not all about aesthetics—building stronger butt muscles will not only improve your speed and explosiveness but will also protect your lower back and knees from injury. Plus, any good butt workout, which can and should include some of these best butt exercises, will target the biggest muscle in your body—the glute max! Still, you want to be sure

Do Towel Workouts Work? We Challenge You To Do These 5 Exercises And See For Yourself

While traditional fitness equipment like dumbbells and resistance bands seem to get all the credit, there are other clever ways to amp up exercises that you probably haven't considered. Whether you're at home or in a hotel room, you've almost certainly got an unexpected, creative workout tool nearby: a hand towel. You read that right. While a hand towel might not sound like it

How Long Do I Need To Build Abs? 7 Minutes A Day Should Do The Trick!

An amazing combo of core-strengthening moves and cardio, this circuit is designed to target not only your abs and obliques, but also the muscles in your back, pelvic floor and even your shoulders. Truth be told, it’s better than doing hundreds of crunches. If you’re training for a sport or just for everyday life, you don’t usually use any one muscle in isolation. This

What Happens When I Plank Daily? The Benefits Will Blow Your Mind So Let’s Start Today

The plank, a popular ab exercise, is a go-to core-strengthening movement. The plankis a legitimate ab-strengthening replacement for crunches and sit-ups. So of course, with the exercise's popularity also came corresponding challenges, like the 30-day plank challenge. The basic goal of this challenge is to perform a plank (with good form) every day for 30 days, with the goal of