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So far Zoe has created 832 blog entries.

5 Stretches To Get You Standing & Help Relieve Stress & Muscle Tightness

You already know how sitting around all day is one of the worst things you can do for your health. That's especially true if you don't have an ideal ergonomic set-up (most of us don't), and stay in the same position for hours at a time. This lack of variation, along with hunching the shoulders and an uncomfortable chair, can cause back pain, headaches,

A 10-Second Test to Tell if Your Glutes Are Uneven and 3 Exercises to Fix an Imbalance

In an ideal world, both sides of your glutes would function together in perfect harmony. But it's possible that, over time, one side of your butt can become stronger than the other — whether through repetitive daily tasks, an imbalanced workout program or a past injury. Why should you care about uneven glutes? For starters, the three muscles that make

This 40-Minute Treadmill Walking Workout Targets Your Glutes Like Crazy

Incline walking is a highly underrated booty-building tool that deserves a little more hype. Hip thrusts, squats and deadlifts often steal the spotlight as the best glute-strengthening exercises. And while their elite status is totally justified, incline walking is another (highly underrated) booty-building tool that deserves a little more hype. Any type of walking helps improve many aspects of your mental and

This 7 Exercise Upper-Body Core Workout Will Sculpt Your Shoulders, Arms, and Core

Good home upper body workouts that don’t use any equipment are hard to come by. But, we have the perfect upper body workout here. This particular routine targets all of the muscles and also encourages not only range of motion but also muscle and overall body awareness. The difficulty of this routine is 100% dependent on what you put into