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So far Juraj has created 339 blog entries.

9 Things To Help You Start Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding, seems fairly simple, pick up some weights and you end up with the perfect body! This isn't actually a true statement as it requires much more. With this article I am going to break down 9 important key factors needed, to safely achieve and gain that ever wanted body. 1. Train In All Rep Ranges Everyone develops a preference

The Complete Exercises Sets & Reps Guide To Show Off Mind Blowing Delts Training

The key to developing delts that have a round, three-dimensional look is to proportionally develop all three heads. That way your delts look full whether viewed from the front, rear, or side. The most common mal-development pattern among trainers is having well developed front delts, moderately developed middle delts and seriously lagging rear delts. This will typically manifest itself by significant internal rotation

8 Ways To Build And Sculpt Rear Delts

With all the attention paid to building up your pecs, your front delts are probably quite formed too. Plus to further the illusion of a small waist, you are probably doing all kinds of middle-delt moves. Your rear delts, the ones you can't see in the mirror, are so underdeveloped that you'd a need a microscope to spot them, this is what

Most Common Leg Training Mistakes And How To Correct Them For Optimal Strength And Mass

Unfortunately, most people never maximise their quads, because they are short cutting their leg workouts. False: Focus more on your quads and less on your glutes during Smith machine or hack squats, move your feet further forward. In fact, the opposite is true. Many believe that a wide stance will work outer quads and a narrow stance hits more of

Dumbbell Training: What Are The Benefits Of Training With Dumbbells?

In most strength and bodybuilding training programmes, the barbell is usually the preferred reference. When we talk about how you one can bench, squat or deadlift, we mean the exercises done using the barbell. However, what many people do not know is that dumbbell training provides many advantages to athletes, bodybuilders and anybody that trains for general fitness. In

40 Tips to Help You Get Leaner

If you want to lose fat and get your body as lean as possible, you can do so if you really try. This won’t be easy, but in the end you’ll profit a lot and it would have been totally worth it. All you have to do is train as hard as possible, eat smart and always be aware that