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The 5 Most Effective Shoulder Dumbbell Exercises for a V-taper Physique

Shoulder training enhances posture and strengthens the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. This creates more stability and structure. The shoulder allows for range of movement. When the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint are weak, it can cause injury, immobility and can impair the way you train. If the shoulders are weak then you will struggle with most upper body workouts. 

Dumbbell Shrugs

Shoulder shrugs target your upper trapezius muscles, also known as the traps. Located on your upper back and across the back of your shoulders, big, strong traps can be useful in contact sports such as wrestling, football, hockey, boxing and rugby as they provide essential support for your neck, which is an important factor for injury prevention. From an aesthetic

EZ Bar Reverse Curl

How To Perform A Reverse Curl When performing a reverse curl you can either use an EZ curl bar or a straight barbell like an Olympic bar. Don’t go in thinking that you can lift a similar weight to what you can with an underhand grip, the short answer is: you can’t. Start with around half of the weight that

Shoulder Tap Push-Up

How To Do The Shoulder Tap Push-Up: Begin in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Keeping abdominals and legs tight, slowly lower your chest toward the ground with your elbows bending and pointing behind you. Exhale as you push back up to lengthen arms into plank, then lift you right hand to tap

Standing Cable Rear Delt Row With Rope

How to do the Rope Rear Delt Row: The face pull is not a "power" exercise, and it certainly isn't an ego lift. Here's what you should do: Attach a rope to a pulley station set at about chest level. Grasp both ends of the rope with a pronated (overhand) grip. Step back so you're supporting the weight with arms