This workout is perfect and makes way more sense to get in a cardio workout indoors to shift fat and shape your body! Here is a 20-minute cardio workout to do at home without any equipment.
The workout below is all about “burst training,” which is high-intensity interval training. Burst training is traditionally a two-to-one ratio, 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. What you’re trying to do is recreate sprint intervals. It’s all about putting 100 percent effort into a short time frame and controlling your heart rate back down during active rest.
Like other types of high-intensity interval training, this has benefits like maximising calorie burn in a short amount of time, boosting endurance, and increasing metabolism both during and after the workout. You also conveniently get to fit in both strength training and cardio in one quick workout.
Here’s what the workout looks like:
Below is five moves that you will do for 20 seconds each. The boxer stance is your active recovery move, which you will do for 10 seconds in between each of the other moves.
- Stationary sprinters — 20 seconds
- Boxer stance — 10 seconds
- Squat thrust — 20 seconds
- Boxer stance — 10 seconds
- Spider-Man mountain climber — 20 seconds
- Boxer stance — 10 seconds
- Criss-cross pickup — 20 seconds
- Boxer stance — 10 seconds
- Power plank — 20 seconds
- Boxer stance — 10 seconds
Repeat the above circuit eight times to make this workout 20 minutes. If you only have 15 minutes, do it six times through. And don’t forget to properly warm up before and cool down after!
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Here’s how to do the moves:
1. Stationary Sprinter — 20 seconds
Sprinting is a really simple way to increase your heart rate. Sprinting in the heat is dangerous, so the next closest exercise is sprinting in place. It’s important to engage your entire body.
How to:
- Clench your hands, pump your arms hard enough to rotate your shoulders, engage your core, and drive your knees above your belly button while staying light on the balls of your feet.
- Do this as fast as you can for 20 seconds.
Related article: Why Cardio Is An Amazing Factor For Weight Loss
2. Boxer Stance — 10 seconds
Boxer Stance — 10 seconds: This is your active rest. Between each move, recover for 10 seconds by doing boxer stance.
How to:
- Stand on the balls of your feet with your dominant foot a foot or so behind your non-dominant foot, body angled to your dominant side.
- Hold your fists up by your face.
- Lightly hop back and forth from one foot to the other, keeping your knees soft, chest lifted, core tight, and arms up.
- Do this for 10 seconds (or more if you need a longer break in between the other moves).
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3. Squat Thrust — 20 seconds
Squat Thrust — 20 seconds: Think about exploding up when your feet hit the floor and you start to stand up—it’s key to elevating your heart rate. To avoid injuring your hands, make sure to perform this movement with the palms of your hands flat on the ground instead of just your fingertips.
How to:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your sides.
- Bend your knees and reach forward to place your hands on the floor.
- Kick your legs back into a plank. Immediately jump your legs forward back to start and stand back up.
- Continue for 20 seconds.
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4. Spider-Man Mountain Climber — 20 seconds
With restricted space, it’s important to find ways to engage your core as a brisk 20-minute run would. This movement is a good option that works your whole core but concentrates on your obliques.
How to:
- Start in a high plank.
- Drive your right knee out and up toward your right tricep.
- As you do, turn your head to watch your knee meet your arm.
- I often train clients to be able to ‘see’ their knees with both eyes for maximum range of motion.
- Alternate sides as fast as you can while still maintaining a sturdy plank and keeping your torso in place.
- Continue for 20 seconds.
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5. Criss-Cross Pickup — 20 seconds
This move gets your heart pumping and fires up your glutes and quads. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
How to:
- Lower into a squat and reach your fingertips toward the ground, keeping your chest lifted. Jump up and cross your right foot over your left foot, and then jump back to start.
- Repeat with the opposite foot in front.
- Continue this movement, alternating, for 20 seconds.
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6. Power Plank — 20 seconds
This moving plank variation requires your arms, core, and legs to all engage. Plus, jumping and having to re balance yourself each time increases how hard your entire body has to work.
How to:
- Start in a high plank. Jump your feet up to the outside of your hands.
- You want to aim your big toes to touch your pinky fingers. Make sure to keep your core tight.
- As much as you can, try to avoid arching your back as you move.
- Repeat for 20 seconds.