Let’s face it — as women, most of us want to strengthen our glutes. You can use glute strengthening exercises to build and sculpt your glutes, and while this might already be reason enough for you to incorporate more leg workouts into your fitness routine, having strong glutes actually has SO many more benefits!

You’ll need access to different machines at the gym and some free weights, so make sure to take note of what you will need so that you don’t waste time moving from one piece of equipment to the next.

It can help make day-to-day activities a lot easier, like walking or climbing stairs, and simply standing upright. Here are six glute strengthening exercises you can do at the gym. Full guide at the bottom!

Hack Squat:

Hack Squat

How to:

  • Position yourself on the hack platform and spread your feet wide, toes turned out.
  • Position your shoulders underneath the pads and unlock the stops.
  • Lower down slowly until your thighs come parallel or just below.
  • Reverse the move and drive through your heels to power back up to the start.

Related article: Build a Body Blasting Booty With 6 Moves In 15 Minutes

Walking Dumbbell Kickback Lunge:

Walking Dumbbell Kickback Lunge

How to:

  • Stand with your feet together and hold a set of dumbbells at your sides.
  • Take a large step forward and bend both knees to lunge straight down.
  • When your front thigh is parallel to the floor, push off your rear foot and extend both legs, standing on your front leg and lifting your rear leg straight up behind you.
  • Squeeze and hold for two seconds, then swing that leg through and go right into the next lunge.

Related article: 30 Day Booty Bursting Shape And Lift Exercise Challenge

Dumbbell Step-Up:

Dumbbell Step-Up

How to:

  • Hold a set of dumbbells at your sides and stand facing a flat bench.
  • Place one foot fully on the bench.Step onto the bench and extend that leg completely.
  • Then step back off the bench with your trailing foot and briefly touch the ground.
  • Repeat right away, doing all reps on one side before switching.

Related article: 6 Exercises To Target The Glutes And Encourage Growth And Strength

Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat:

Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat

How to:

  • Hold a set of dumbbells at your sides and stand a few feet in front of a flat bench with your back to the bench.
  • Extend one leg behind you and rest your foot on the bench, laces down.
  • Bend both knees and lower straight down.
  • When your front thigh comes parallel to the ground, reverse the move and push through your front heel to return to the start.
  • Do all reps on one side before switching.

Related article: This Workout Targets Your Glutes for a Better Lift And Shapely Lower Body

Barbell Hip Thrust:

Barbell Hip Thrust

How to:

  • Position your upper back and shoulders across the broad side of a flat bench and hold a barbell across your hips.
  • Lift your hips up to come in line with your knees and dig your heels into the floor.
  • Lower your hips slowly until your glutes touch the ground, then press them back up to come in line with your knees once more.
  • Pause and squeeze for two seconds before going into the next rep.

Related article: How Do I Achieve Gravity Defying Glutes? Effort, Dedication & This 6 Move Workout!

Cable Abductor:

Cable Abductor

How to:

  • Stand beside the cable machine.
  • Attach an ankle cuff to the lower cable pulley and secure it around your left ankle.
  • Keep your eyes facing forward.Raise your left leg out to the side.
  • Pause and squeeze for two seconds before slowly lowering to the start.

Related article: Can You Build Leg Muscle With Calisthenics? This Home Workout Will Build Legs & Glutes Plus Abs

Cable Kickback:

Cable Kickback

How to:

  • Attach an ankle cuff to the lower cable pulley and then secure it around your ankle.
  • Stand up straight and face the weight stack, holding on lightly to the machine for balance, abs tight, shoulders back.
  • Lift your leg straight back as high as you can without arching your lower back or tilting forward.
  • Pause and squeeze for two seconds before slowly lowering to the start.

The Guide:

glute workout