Fat burning exercises are the key to a solid fitness routine. After all, nothing motivates people to work out more than the desire to shed a few pounds. If you’ve just started working out or going to the gym, you’re probably looking for the exercises that will help you burn off calories as quickly as possible.
But which exercises burn the most fat in the shortest amount of time? What can you do in (and outside) the gym to start shedding calories today? In short, you can lose weight simply by doing cardio. However, some strength-training is helpful, as well. It may take some extra time, but a fast fat burning workout routine will include both cardio exercise and a bit of heavy lifting, as well.
We’ve compiled a handful of the best fat burning exercises to help you get started – 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off. Repeat 8 times
Jump Lunges
Set 1 – repeat 8 times | 20 sec jump lunges | 10 sec rest
How to:
- Take a large step forward with your hands on your hips – this is the start position.
- Dip downwards into the lunge.
- With an explosive movement jump upwards.
- Switch your legs in mid air. Land with the opposite leg in front of you, in the lunge position.
- Repeat by continuously switching legs mid air.
Related article: A 12-Minute Outdoor HIIT Workout That Helps You Lose Weight And Build Muscle
Kettlebell Swings
Set 2 – repeat 8 times | 20 sec kettlebell swings | 10 sec rest
How to:
- Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you.
- Lower yourself down by hinging at the hips, and pushing back with your glutes, until you’re able to grip the kettlebell.
- Pull the kettlebell back hard so that your hands go between your legs.
- Contract your glutes and hamstrings forcefully to drive your hips forward.
- The momentum from this will “throw” the kettlebell forward and up.
- Let the kettlebell fall back between your legs. As it does, hinge at the hips again to get into the starting position.
- At its full depth between your legs contract your glutes and hamstrings and extend your hips, starting another swing.
Related article: The 10-Minute Outdoor Garden HIIT Workout To Fully Energise Your Body And Burn Fat
Jump Rope
Set 3 – repeat 8 times | 20 sec jump rope | 10 sec rest
How to:
- Perform the jump ropes either jumping with both legs or alternating legs.
- Try and perform these at a fast pace.
Related article: The 2 Part 6 Exercise Ultimate Body-Weight HIIT Cardio Workout- Take Your Body To The Next Level
Jump Squats
Set 4 – repeat 8 times | 20 sec jump squats | 10 sec rest
How to:
- Place your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing forward.
- Lower yourself into a squat, pushing your glutes back and keeping your feet flat on the floor.
- From the deep squat position jump up as high as you can.
- Land back into the squat position, going as deep as you can.
- Hold for a count of one before repeating the jump in an explosive movement.