Use this powerful and effective yoga poses for your arm workouts. These 8 poses will sculpt, define, tone, and strengthen your entire upper body and core.
We developed a quick yoga sequence that targets the upper body. This effective flow will fine-tune your alignment while strengthen and toning your arms, shoulders and back. You’ll also engage the muscles of your core (because we know just how amazing yoga is for your abs).
You don’t need any equipment, just your yoga mat or towel, making this routine perfect for when you’re in your apartment or a hotel room. So give this quick yoga flow a try and you’ll walk away feeling more balanced, confident and with a strong upper body.
Do this workout before hitting the beach, and your arms will look even more beautiful, lean and toned.
1. Chaturanga
How to:
- Lower down into Chaturanga, then back up to high plank pose 5x.
- On rep #5, hold at the bottom for 3 counts, then press all the way back up to high plank.
- Repeat this 2x.
Related article: 5 Impressive Moves To Create Titillating Tighter Toned Arms And Abs
2. Knee to Tricep
How to:
- Start in high plank.
- Pull one knee in to touch your tricep.
- Hold for 1 second, then return to high plank.
- Repeat 10x.
- For an added challenge, hold your knee to your tricep after the 10 reps for 10 seconds.
- Repeat the other side.
Related article: Try These 6 Restorative Poses From The Comfort Of Your Bed To Assist A Refreshing Vibrant Sleep And Body
3. Downdog
How to:
- Start on all 4s.
- Then press through your hands and lift your hips up to this position.
- Press the heels into the floor and lift your knee caps.
- Hold here for 5-10 breathes.
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4. Single Arm High Plank
How to:
- Start in a high plank pose with feet a little wider than hip-width apart.
- Extend one arm forward, as if you were shaking someone’s hand with your pinky down and thumb up.
- Hold here for 30 seconds.
- Repeat other side.
Related article: 9 Stimulating Yoga Poses For That Ultimate Stretch And Span Of The Shoulders
5. Forearm Plank
How to:
- Start in a high plank pose with feet a little wider than hip-width apart.
- Extend one arm forward, as if you were shaking someone’s hand with your pinky down and thumb up.
- Hold here for 30 seconds.
- Repeat other side.
Related article: 11 Yoga Poses To Abolish Stress From Your Day
6. Dolphin
How to:
- Start in child’s pose, then come on to your forearms, and extend your legs behind you so that they are engaged and straight.
- Make sure your elbows are directly underneath your shoulders, and your forearms are parallel to one another.
- Pull the navel into the spine, slightly tuck the tailbone, and lengthen the legs and spine.
- Hold here for 1 minute.
Related article: 10-Minute Yoga Routine After Every Workout To Get Crazy Flexible
7. Upward Facing Dog
How to:
- Start in high plank, and lower the hips down, while spiraling the shoulders and opening the chest forward.
- Hold here for 5 breathes, then to high plank.
- Repeat 5x.
Related article: How To Workout With Sciatica Using These 8 Relaxing Yoga Poses That Offer Relief
8. Side Forearm Plank
How to:
- Start lying on your side, propped up on one elbow.
- Then extend your legs to the side, stacking one foot on top of the other, with big toes touching and heels separated.
- Lift the hips up, engage the quads, and pull in the core.
- Press the floor away with your elbow, so that you find length and space in the shoulder socket.
- Slightly pulse the hips up 20x, then hold for another 30 seconds.
- Repeat other side.